St. Mary's County Military Installation Resilience Review
Client: St. Mary's County, MD
Timeline: June 2023 - September 2024
TE conducted research, hosted a Leadership Exchange event and Collaboration Forum series, and developed a comprehensive implementation and funding framework to enhance community resilience around Naval Air Station Patuxent River.
Prince George's County Resilience Authority Feasibility Study
Client: Prince George's County, MD
Timeline: July 2023 - September 2024
TE assessed the viability and utility of establishing a resilience authority in Prince George’s County. We evaluated current capacities, structures, timing, and costs of planned projects, ultimately recommending a funding and financing system to support Prince George’s County’s resilience goals.
Resilient Protection Frameworks: Incentivizing Action Plan
Client: The Nature Conservancy (MD/DC)
Timeline: June 2022 - December 2023
TE led the Incentivizing Action Plan portion of TNC’s Resilient Protection Frameworks project, developing a sustainable financing strategy to support land owners and users in developing and implementing Resilience Easements and Management Plans.
Baltimore County Resilience Authority Feasibility Study
Client: Baltimore County, MD
Timeline: January - November 2023
TE 's feasibility study evaluated the efficacy of a resilience authority in Baltimore County and ultimately produced a decision-making framework that allowed the County to chart a path forward on implementation of resilience projects.
Southeast New England Program (SNEP) Network Technical Assistance
Client: SNEP Network, USM EFC
Timeline: 2019 - 2023
As a core partner, TE led the Network's sustainable finance and leadership development technical assistance projects in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, developed the Planning to Action: Climate Toolkit (PACT), and facilitated a peer-to-peer leadership exchange workshop/podcast series.
TE developed a resilience capital improvement plan (RCIP) to support implementation of Middletown's high priority climate projects. We also held an Islandwide Resilience Leadership Exchange engaging three municipalities and Naval Station Newport.
TE produced and hosted “The Leadership Exchange Podcast” to highlight audio case studies of communities across New England and country as they look to enhance their resilience to climate change.
Newport, RI: Climate Resilience and Financing Prioritization
Client: City of Newport, RI
Timeline: October 2021 - September 2022
TE led the development of a community-based climate resilience prioritization list to determine high priority adaptation projects and the steps needed for long-term implementation, funding, financing, and investment.
Conowingo Financing Strategy and Implementation Plan
Partners: Chesapeake Bay Trust, University of Maryland
Timeline: 2021 - 2022
TE partnered with CBT and the UMD Center for Global Sustainability to establish an innovative financing system to support water quality and pollution reductions associated with the Conowingo Dam Watershed Implementation Plan.
TE helped WTGHA finalize a Tribal Climate Adaptation Plan to become more resilient and prioritize next steps for action and implementation. TE also worked with WTGHA to host a regional Tribal Leadership Exchange, capturing the stories of Elders, leaders, and members in Season 2 of “The Leadership Exchange Podcast.”
Bourne, MA: Resilience Investment System Implementation Strategy
Client: Town of Bourne, MA
Timeline: 2020-2022
Through this two-phase project, TE developed climate action and investment system strategies to identify the Town's greatest climate needs and explore sustainable and scalable financing options to achieve long-term project implementation.
Portsmouth, RI: Climate Resilience Planning and Financing Strategy
Client: Town of Portsmouth, RI
Timeline: 2020 - 2021
TE developed a resilience capital improvement program (RCIP) and a comprehensive Climate Resilience Action and Financing Strategy that collectively identify priority resilience needs and opportunities for funding and implementation.
TE adapted and expanded the existing US Climate Toolkit to guide communities through the process of turning climate planning into sustainable financing of on-the-ground projects. PACT was developed for use in the SNEP Network technical assistance projects in Bourne, MA; Portsmouth, RI; WTGHA (MA); and Middletown, RI.
TE hosted a leadership exchange webinar and podcast series to inform the redevelopment of Wareham Village with a focus on resilience, stormwater management, and green infrastructure. TE also explored sustainable finance opportunities associated with Wareham’s redevelopment, including public-private partnership opportunities.
Pleasant Bay Alliance: Stormwater & Resilience Funding Strategy
Client: Pleasant Bay Alliance
Timeline: 2020 - 2021
TE outlined sustainable and scalable financing options for stormwater management across the four Pleasant Bay Alliance communities on Cape Cod, Massachusetts (the Towns of Brewster, Chatham, Harwich, and Orleans).
Partners: Association of Climate Change Officers, SNEP Network
Timeline: Spring 2020
TE co-hosted a four-part webinar series examining how communities can respond to the pandemic while building a stronger New England, revitalizing communities, and protecting against future disasters.