SNEP Network

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Project Description

Throwe Environmental is a core partner organization in the Southeast New England Program (SNEP) Network, which leverages technical assistance to help communities achieve healthy watersheds, sustainable financing, and long-term resilience. Network partners collaboratively provide resilience-focused training and technical assistance to Tribes, municipalities, and other organizations across the Southeast New England region

Throwe leads Network efforts to create sustainable revenue streams for climate action, foster peer-to-peer leadership development, and improve local climate resilience. Our is developing a resilience capital improvement plan for, and an inter-jurisdictional Leadership Exchange, in Middletown, RI

Throwe has developed the Planning to Action: Climate Toolkit (PACT), which helps communities turn climate planning into sustainable action. We have also created The Leadership Exchange Podcast to highlight audio case studies on climate resilience and bring lessons learned to listeners everywhere.

Project Team

Joanne Throwe
Kyle Gray
Dan Nees
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Source: Adobe Stock

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