Get the Lead Out (GLO) Initiative

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Get the Lead Out (GLO) Initiative

Project Description

The GLO Initiative is an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administered and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) funded effort to accelerate the removal of LSLs, with a focus on underserved and disadvantaged communities. The GLO Initiative will connect approximately 200 communities with technical assistance over the next two years (2024-2025). 

The GLO Initiative can support development of:

    •  Lead Service Line (LSL) Inventories  
    •  Community Engagement Plans 
    •  LSL Replacement Plans 
    •  State Revolving Fund Applications 

As part of the contracting team, TE will leverage its funding and financing expertise to connect community water systems with funding for LSL replacements. TE will provide technical support to systems as they work to access funding through SRF and other funding/financing programs. 

For more information, visit the GLO Initiative webpage or read EPA’s GLO Initiative Fact Sheet.

Project Team

Joanne Throwe
Dan Nees
Max Settineri
Skip Swenson
Mark Belton
Kyle Gray
Taylor Throwe
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Source: Adobe Stock

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