Project Description
Throwe Environmental leads the Incentivizing Action Plan Working Group as part of The Nature Conservancy’s Resilient Protection Frameworks (RPF) project. The overarching goal of the RPF is to develop the policy framework necessary to support marsh migration and landowner resilience amidst rising seas, extreme storm and flooding events, and saltwater intrusion. The Incentivizing Action Plan Working Group is developing the foundation for a framework to financially support coastal resilience easement and action plans, as well as to incentivize landowner and land user participation in coastal resilience programs..
Throwe hosts the Incentivizing Action Plan Advisory Committee, convening experts and practitioners from across Maryland to discuss the goals and work products of the Working Group. Throwe also convened three financing charrettes to examine national examples of innovation and apply lessons learned to the RPF project. Throwe’s final report will be completed in December 2023.