LISFF Webinars

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Long Island Sound Futures Fund (LISFF) Webinars

Throwe Environmental has been contracted by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) as the Field Liaison for the Long Island Sound Futures Fund, and has made it a priority to spread awareness of the LISFF funding opportunity and its potential to help communities throughout the Sound’s Upper Basin and non-coastal Connecticut protect the health and living resources of Long Island Sound. In doing so, Throwe Environmental is teaming up with several outstanding organizations to enhance communities’ and organizations’ capacities to compete for various federal funding opportunities, including LISFF. To learn more about these events, please contact us at Check the events page for a list of all upcoming events, or explore past events below!

2024 RFP Webinars

Long Island Sound Watershed Funding Opportunities for Connecticut"

DATE: April 15, 2024, 2-3PM ET

PARTNER(S): Sustainable CT

Communities across Connecticut face escalating climate-related challenges, emphasizing the urgent need for long-term investments in water quality and resilience. Attendees of this session will explore the LISFF funding program and learn how they can collaborate with the LISFF Field Liaison team to develop proposals and access technical assistance.

"Long Island Sound Watershed Funding Opportunities for Massachusetts Communities"

DATE: April 15, 2024, 2-3PM ET

PARTNER(S): Mass Rivers Alliance

Massachusetts communities face increasing challenges along the Long Island Sound with water quality and nutrient loading impacts on the Sound’s living resources. Attendees of this session will explore the LISFF funding program, learn how MA communities can access LISFF dollars, and explore opportunities to collaborate with the LISFF Field Liaison team to develop proposals and access technical assistance.

"Introduction to the Long Island Sound Futures Fund"

DATE: March 27, 2024, 8:30AM-4:30PM ET

PARTNER(S): Vermont Watershed Forestry Partnership

The 2024 VT Watershed Forestry Partnership Annual Meeting was held on March 27 at UVM in Burlington, VT, and included discussions about funding, site preparation and maintenance, nursery stock and production, native seed collection, monitoring project success, landowner outreach strategies, and assessing sites for bird habitat.  Attendees of this session learned about the LISFF funding program and how to collaborate with the LISFF Field Liaison team to develop proposals and access technical assistance.

"Coastal Resilience & Long Island Sound Watershed Funding Opportunities for Connecticut"

DATE: March 26, 2024, 1-2PM ET

PARTNER(S): CT DEEP Office of Resilience

In this session, attendees will learn about both NFWF funding programs and brainstorm ideas with the NCRF/LISFF Field Liaison team from Throwe Environmental. Attendees will have the opportunity to collaborate with peers, prepare proposal ideas, and receive information about available technical assistance, including NFWF and Field Liaison proposal labs held throughout Spring 2024.

2023 RFP Webinars

"Coastal Resilience Funding Opportunities for Connecticut"

DATE: March 17, 2023, 1-2PM ET

PARTNER(S): CT DEEP Office of Resilience

In this session, presenters will introduce potential applicants to NCRF and other resilience programs, inform them about the type of technical assistance that is available, and share examples of nature-based solutions in the Northeast region. There will be time at the end of the presentation for Q&A and “office hours” with the CT DEEP Resilience Program staff and the NCRF Field Liaison team at Throwe Environmental. 

"Navigating the Long Island Sound Futures Fund 2023 Grant Opportunity in Western Massachusetts Agricultural Communities"

DATE: March 2, 2023 1-2:30pm ET

PARTNER(S): MA Association of Conservation Districts

Over $10M is available in the 2023 Long Island Sound Futures Fund (LISFF). This webinar will help attendees link water quality funding to implementation of agricultural practices in Western Massachusetts. Conservation districts and local working groups; agricultural/natural resource professionals; and individuals representing soil, water, wetland, plant, forestry, and wildlife sciences are encouraged to attend.

"Navigating the Long Island Sound Futures Fund 2023 Grant Opportunity in Western Massachusetts Municipalities and Nonprofits"

DATE: March 2, 2023 10AM-12:00pm ET

PARTNER(S): MA Association of Conservation Districts

Over $10M is available in the 2023 Long Island Sound Futures Fund (LISFF). This webinar will help attendees learn about the LISFF grant opportunity and hear directly from funders. Regional planning agencies, municipalities, and non- profits with interest in water quality restoration in Western MA are encouraged to attend.

2022 RFP Webinars

“Federal Funds for Resilience Projects: National Coastal Resilience Fund & Long Island Sound Futures Fund Webinar”

DATE: April 18, 2022, 12-1:30PM ET

PARTNER(S): CT DEEP Office of Resilience

Learn about these two grant programs with funds available to support resilience planning and projects in CT. Webinar will provide an overview of the grant programs with an extended Q&A where participants can receive feedback on pre-proposals or ideas.