Throwe Environmental Debuts Planning to Action: Climate Toolkit (PACT)

Throwe Environmental Project Partners Kyle Gray and Taylor Throwe unveiled a preview of the Planning to Action: Climate Toolkit on August 24, 2021 during the monthly “Soak Up the Rain” webinar series held by EPA Region 1. PACT is a resource to guide communities from the earliest stages of climate planning to the latter stages of action strategies and financing. 

Planning to Action: Climate Toolkit (PACT) Tutorial Video

PACT adapts and expands upon the existing U.S. Climate Toolkit, originally developed by the U.S. Global Change Research Program. PACT was developed with support from the Southeast New England Program (SNEP) Network and the University of Southern Maine Environmental Finance Center to facilitate climate resilience action planning and financing conversations in the SNEP technical assistance projects in Bourne, MA and Portsmouth, RI.

We aim to make PACT available to communities across the country, working with them to move from the earliest stages of planning to the final stages of action and finance. Get updates on PACT by following Throwe Environmental on LinkedIn. A beta version will be available for use in the coming months! Contact us at for more information.