Throwe Environmental Selected as Field Liaison to Long Island Sound Futures Fund

Throwe Environmental is pleased to be chosen to serve as the Field Liaison for the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) and Long Island Sound Study’s (LISS) Long Island Sound Futures Fund (LISFF). The LISFF covers the entire Long Island Sound watershed, which includes parts of New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, and New Hampshire. Since 2005, the LISFF has awarded approx. $32M in grant funding in projects to improve water quality, restore the natural environment, and engage and inform communities about the importance of a healthy Long Island Sound. 

In this new role, Throwe Environmental will support potential grantees as they seek to develop project proposals in the Upper Basin states of the Sound’s watershed (Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont and the geography outside of coastal Connecticut). The Throwe team will promote awareness of and opportunities for LISFF grant funding across the Upper Basin by providing guidance and technical field assistance to support development of nitrogen prevention or reduction planning/design or implementation project proposals in the Upper Basin.

For more information about our role as LISFF Field Liaisons, view our introductory flyer here. For specific questions related to a potential project proposal to the Long Island Sound Futures Fund, please email us at Stay up-to-date on our work as LISFF Field Liaisons by following Throwe Environmental on LinkedIn!