Throwe Environmental promoted the National Coastal Resilience Fund in an upcoming webinar hosted by The Nature Conservancy (TNC) in Ohio. Team Throwe gave a program overview of NFWF’s National Coastal Resilience Fund (NCRF). The webinar was geared at communities in Ohio’s coastal watersheds that are looking to enhance their climate resiliency alongside improvements to fish and wildlife habitat.
Funding Basics for Coastal Ohio Communities: Crafting Competitive Proposals for the National Coastal Resilience Fund and Beyond
Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 1:00–2:00pm CST (2:00pm–3:00pm EST)
Watch the recording:
DESCRIPTION: From identifying funding opportunities to clicking “submit,” navigating the grant process can be challenging. In this webinar, you will learn how to craft more competitive grant applications and increase the success rate of your submissions. You will learn about the steps you may need to take before you even start writing, including how to align project and program priorities, determine suitable funding sources, and avoid common pitfalls.
Presenters will apply key tips to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s (NFWF) National Coastal Resilience Fund (NCRF). NCRF invests in projects that will create, expand, and restore natural systems in areas that will (1) increase protection for communities from coastal storms, fluctuating lake levels, inundation, and coastal erosion and (2) improve valuable habitats for fish and wildlife species. This webinar is geared towards Ohio communities in the Lake Erie watershed. You may check your geographic eligibility for NCRF here.
NCRF’s team of Field Liaisons, Throwe Environmental, will be available to help you understand how communities can take advantage of the NCRF and other funding sources. Participants are invited to bring questions for a Q&A following the presentation.
WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Municipal and county officials and staff, tribal representatives or agencies, state and federal agencies, NGOs, land protection organizations, academic institutions
Additional Resources
• Watch the recording:
• View the event flyer: